New media reports reveal that federal regulators have permitted fracking in the Pacific Ocean at least 12 times since the late '90s, and have granted four fracking permits off the Santa Barbara coast with no environmental review.
Fracking uses hazardous chemicals and pumps wastewater into coastal waters rich with marine life. Seven of the chemicals used are harmful to skin, organs and eyes, and at least five have been linked to mutations, cancer or both.
Federal officials are blind or apathetic to the effects of oil drilling on California's beautiful oceans and sea life. Offshore fracking must be stopped to protect the lives of whales, sea birds, turtles and fish, many of which are endangered. Please sign the petition to urge the California Coastal Commission to ban fracking off their state's coast!
Actualizar #1hace 11 años
This month, the EPA issued a new reporting rule, but took no action to stop the dumping of fracking wastewater. The rule requires oil and gas companies to report the volume and chemical makeup of any fracking fluids or wastewater dumped into the ocean. Disclosure is better than secrecy, but toxic chemicals shouldn't be dumped into the ocean at all. Please push the EPA to stop wastewater dumping in our oceans by sharing this petition with your friends now!