Stop Inhuman Animal Cruelty- Animals Beaten and Have Heads Torn Off During Mexican Festival!

Each year in Citilcum, a city in Izamal, Yucatán, the Kots Kaal Pato (roughly translated by various media outlets as "Strangle the Duck") festival occurs—and while it sounds like a nightmare, the ordeal is all too real for its victims. According to news sources, children in the city snatch up unsuspecting animals—apparently iguanas and opossums whom residents deem "vermin"—and stuff them alive into piñatas, which are then bashed with rods. Those who survive the beatings are allegedly trampled by the frantic crowd. But the torture doesn't end there, as festivalgoers reportedly then bring out a duck, bind the animal, and hang him or her from a makeshift wooden frame while partiers clamber over each other in an attempt to tear off the animal's head.
Hard to imagine something like this happening in modern times. Stop the barbarian tradition! Tell NO animal cruelty to Citilcum officials!

Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Dear signer,
Thank you for giving your voice for these tortured and killed in the most terrifying cruel way animals in Mexico. Today, we got our first thousand!
Let go further together- these animals have nobody but us to stand up for them.
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In the name of Mexican ducks, iguanas, opossums and cats tortured and killed by a crowd of festival goers, again, THANK YOU.
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