Thirty years ago, the “Manolis L” sunk in Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. Then in March 2013, a storm cracked its rusty hull open -- and oil has been spilling on to local shores ever since!
The Manolis L oil leak is deadly news for thousands of birds - as recently as early January 2015, local residents have reported seeing struggling, oiled birds and even an oiled seal. The oil -- over 500,000 liters of it remaining beneath the surface -- also threatens to destroy the fishing and tourism industries with catastrophic results.
Unfortunately, Canada's federal government has decided to implement a patchwork, wait-and-see approach -- one that has failed every time. The people of Newfoundland, concerned fellow Canadians, and the Manolis L Citizens Response Committee, a volunteer group working on behalf of residents of the area, find this so-called solution unacceptable. It’s past time for real action.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Ministry of Transport, and the Ministry of the Environment must work together to remove the oil from the ship’s hull in 2015, before any businesses or more animals are harmed! So many animals are threatened - short eared owls, ducks, peregrine falcons, even humpback whales. We are especially worried for the sandpipers.
20,000 signatures will get the ministers’ attention and help persuade them to do the right thing -- please sign the petition today!
For more information, click here to watch a short, informative video.
Dear Ministers Gail Shea, Leona Aglukkaq and Lisa Raitt;
As you are aware the Manolis L, a sunken ship rusting beneath the waves for thirty years in Notre Dame Bay threatens the coastline and wild life of the area. We feel the temporary measures taken to date to remedy this problem are doomed to failure and that the only recourse is to extract the oil from the sunken ship in a timely manner.
In December a new leak was discovered at the stern of the ship. This leak is new and evidence to residents that the vessel is deteriorating.
We request that DFO as the lead agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Ministry of the Environment work together towards the removal of the oil from the ship's hull this year, 2015, during the temperate months when it is most appropriate to do so.
Concerned Citizen
Actualizar #2hace 10 años
February 24,2015 This month the Downhome Magazine is carrying an in depth feature on the Manolis L issue. Pick up a copy and get full details on this wholly preventable environmental catastrophe that will unfold without action from the Canadian government. The committee continues to press for action. Watching and doing nothing to prevent the largest oil spill in Canadian history is completely unacceptable. You have done something by adding your name and we are grateful.
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
What a week! Great CBC coverage, then 150 people marched in the Twillingate snow to get the oil removed. Thank you for your support - it's crucial to this progress! Check out some of the recent press our cause has received, then share the petition with friends: