SAVE the remaining Bomb Sniffing Dogs from the clutches of Eastern Securities!

  • al: Amy Swope
  • destinatario: United States Embassy, Kuwait

24 + BOMB SNIFFING DOGS WERE MASSACRED! Upon Eastern Securities in Kuwait losing their contract with an oil company, AMERICAN CEO Bill Baisey, and Program Manager Tony Touchet ordered the euthanasia of 24+ working K9s.  The killing was not done by a licensed veterinarian and allegedly, the medicine used was not made for dogs causing an excruciating death. Instead of a comfortable couch retirement, they were slowly and methodically murdered. The bodies of these warriors were then dumped like common trash in the desert. When they were finally discovered by a concerned reporter, they were badly bloated and decomposing in the desert heat. As a former employee of this company, I knew and loved many of those dogs. They would have made lovely pets. After years of faithful, life-saving service in the desert heat, these K9s were treated worse than broken equipment thrown into the trash.

The kennel still houses between 60-90 dogs. First-hand reports from former employees allege the dogs are mishandled, poorly treated, and in need of medical care. Some are very thin. We are asking the US Embassy to step in and get these dogs legally released from Eastern Securities.  SPCA International and Mission K9 Rescue are monitoring the situation and doing every thing they can to get these dogs home.  Mission K9 Rescue (a 501 c3) assisted in bringing 9 dogs back to the USA from this company previously. They have offered to assist the SPCAi in bringing the remaining dogs home once again. These K9s should be re-patriated in the USA, rehabilitated, and re-homed. We are asking all readers to sign this petition! Use your voice to speak for those who can not.

Dear US Embassy of Kuwait,

As you are aware, US Citizen Bill Baisey is the CEO of the company Eastern Securities who has allegedly killed 24+ K9s upon losing their contract.  The remaining K9s are being mis-handled and in need of medical attention.  Please step in and demand these dogs be released from this company and returned to the United States!  Both the SPCA International and Mission K9 Rescue are prepared to handle the logistics of this crisis upon release, however, the company MUST release them.  As you are the representatives of "We the People", we are asking for your help.  

Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Good news! Seven dogs have been cordially released and will be flown back to Texas very soon. But that still means there are another 60-90 dogs that need our help! Please share the petition.
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