Petition to overturn the MPAA's decision to give BULLY an R rating

  • al: Lee Hirsch
  • destinatario: MPAA Rating of BULLY the film

•   Target: MPAA Rating of BULLY the film

•   Sponsored by: Lee Hirsch 

On February 23rd Harvey Weinstein and Alex Libby, one of the featured subjects from the film BULLY attended a hearing with the Motion Picture Association of America's (MPAA) rating board to appeal the film's R-rating. 

The R-rating was upheld due to language, essentially banning minors under 17 from seeing the Lee Hirsch-directed film about the effects of school bullying unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.

That would in effect ban screenings at U.S. middle and high schools, where Weinstein and the filmmakers want to show it.

The film is set for a March 30 release in theaters.  Without the overturn of this rating, the film will not be permitted to be shown to students and school children across the country. 

We have a responsibility to the more than 13 million youth who are bullied every year in the US to make available this transformative story, their story.

Join us. Sign this petition to overturn the R-rating.


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