Demand Clarence Thomas resign for ethics violations

Are you kidding me??? Add another item to the long list of secret gifts that Clarence Thomas has received from billionaires! Records have revealed ANOTHER flight on a private jet that Thomas and his wife took, paid for by GOP megadonor Harlan Crow, from Hawaii to New Zealand. And it was never disclosed.

Who the hell just "forgets" a luxury flight from Hawaii to New Zealand? 

Enough is enough -- it's time for Clarence Thomas to step down.

This is just one of several high-end gifts that Thomas received from Harlan Crow and other GOP donors, along with skybox tickets to sporting events, stays at luxury resorts, and a forgiven loan of $267,000 to purchase a luxury RV.

These undisclosed gifts are a gross violation of ethics. The big question is: What are these donors receiving in return? We can't have a justice on the Supreme Court who is in the pocket of billionaires and GOP megadonors.

Enough is enough -- it's time for Clarence Thomas to step down. Sign your name: Demand Clarence Thomas resign >> 

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