Urge United Airlines Cargo to Stop Transporting Live Dolphins

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  • destinatario: United Airlines Cargo
I refer you to an article by Prowal dated April 2012. http://newsblaze.com/story/20120409103406zzzz.nb/topstory.html Andreas Morlok, CEO of ProWal is quoted here: "In consequence of the Oscar-winning documentary "The Cove", the public was aware of a small fishing village in Japan where every year up to 2,000 dolphins should be killed. Some dolphins would be allowed to be alive in order to sell them for exorbitant sums to the dolphinaria-industry, according to the message of the film. We wanted to get a picture of the situation on the ground and traveled to Japan in December 2010. Dolphin Hunts, Shocking Reality We were shocked when we were actually confronted with this reality. We were eye witnesses of dolphin drive hunts and brutal killings of these intelligent marine mammals on several days. And exactly as the film described it, separating took place before the massacres begun. Dolphin trainers and traders picked out the most beautiful dolphins from the dolphin pot, herded into a cove, mostly bottlenose dolphins. These animals were kept in sea pens and in the Whale-Museum in Taiji in preparation for their following life in dolphinariums. ProWal Dolphin Sting Operation Using the pretext of wanting to transport two wild dolphins, ProWal contacted all airlines and air cargo companies in the world in the beginning of 2011. 132 companies responded to the request, and many of them were happy to submit an offer immediately or until after several months." Andreas Morlok is also quoted as saying: "We were more than surprised. Not only in our e-mail inbox every day, we found offers, we were also schmoozed day and night from people and companies by telephone, which wanted to receive an order, sometimes very intrusive. 61 air freight companies or airlines have already transported dolphins or were not averse to do this again. 71 companies have no chance or don't want to be associated with dolphin transportation and refused such an order. Nevertheless, some of them already have transported dolphins in the past. If we can help demonetize the trafficking of live marine mammals and dolphins, we may have a chance at ending the horrible Taiji dolphin massacre. See @seashepherd on twitter and #NoTaijidolphinMassacre for more.
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