Dismiss Judge Jean-Paul Braun


Quebec Court Judge Jean-Paul Braun had all kinds of inappropriate things to say during the trial of a 47-year-old taxi driver who Judge Braun ended up finding guilty of sexually assaulting his 17-year-old fare, two years ago.

During the trial, Braun commented on the victim's appearance, saying she was "a bit overweight, but she has a pretty face."

When asked about Braun's comments Wednesday morning, Justice Minister Stéphanie Vallée told reporters they were "unacceptable" and that she would be filing a complaint with Quebec's magistrates council.

He also spent a lot of time asking all kinds of seemingly bizarre questions about what constituted consent in this case. It seems that Mr. Braun was really having a hard time understanding how a 47-year-old man was supposed to know when was the right time to lick a 17-year-old’s face. SPOILER ALERT: Never.

Braun eventually found Figaro guilty of sexual assault. He dismissed Figaro’s claims that he had not noticed the 17-year-old before, citing the fact that the accused regularly stopped in at the coffee shop where she worked. In his ruling, the judge said he found this hard to believe, “taking into consideration the [victim’s] figure, which is quite voluptuous; the court specifies that she is a pretty young girl.”

"He looks good and doesn't seem his age," the judge stated.

"We can see from his testimony … that he has nice manners and that he likes to wear cologne: with Versace when he goes out, and with other less-expensive colognes during the week."
- article by Daily Kos and CNC

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