Demand that Walmart put an End to Illegal Profiling at the Customer Service Dept !

    Walmart had gotten away with unjust and illegal profiling, specifically when customers are being engaged with at the customer service counter. The Walmart employees will judge the party, that is attempting to complete a return transaction, by one or more of the following customer attributes: Hair Style, Hair Color, make-up style, verbiage on clothing and/or hats, age, cleanliness, dental orientation, sexual preferences, baggy clothing, nails, tattoos, piercings, etc... for Instance, if a younger gentleman were to approach the customer service counter with a return item valued at $30. The employee might not like their appearance and based upon that judgment, they will either make that return imoossible to complete or will make it as difficult as possible whereas if an elderly woman dressed in her Sundays best were to be the very next customer in line with the same product to return, the associate would not create the same hurdles on order to complete the return as they had with the previous customer that was profiled.

    By signing this petition, you join the several others in standing up to big retail and holding them accountable since they simply seem to be incapable or unwilling to police themselves.
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