Fur farms shall stop the animal cruelty now!

A number of Switzerland fur farms does violations and does not preserve animal well-being after being reported to have mistreated animals in the skinning process.

I, the undersigned, would like to petition the Switzerland government to take a move in regards to the more stringent banning of fur importation especially when these furs were taken from animals in illegal ways. The government must also be consistent in inspecting fur farms in order to secure that the animals are treated well and that the methods used to these animals are in a good manner of conduct. Lots of fur farms nowadays are just doing whatever they want because even the government does not have persistent inspection times. And this is evident through the uploaded videos online which show the wrong process of skinning of animals.

If the government will take action on this, fur farms will be examined thoroughly and animals will not be harmed anymore. With the stringent inspection, violations will be duly discovered from these farms and penalties will be righteously claimed from them.

Thank you for considering my petition.




 the underdesigned,


Bobbi Colvin - Assistant Writer for bespoke suit

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