Save the Sunflower Sea Star From Extinction!

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries

Sunflower sea stars – one of the largest species of sea stars in the world – are on the brink of extinction. The beautiful creatures have experienced plummeting populations for the last several years. Terrifying reports show that the population has shrunk by 90% in less than a decade. It is time NOAA Fisheries finalize their proposal to protect sunflower sea stars under the Endangered Species Act!

Sign now to tell NOAA Fisheries to finalize this proposal and protect the sunflower sea star under the Endangered Species Act!

Researchers speculate that a scary disease, Sea Star Wasting Syndrome, has devastated these populations. Even scarier is the fact that the syndrome is likely exacerbated by fast changes in water temperature. In other words: human-induced climate change has decimated sea star populations, and it is our job to act before it is too late.

Sign the petition now to tell NOAA Fisheries: finish this proposal and act now to save the iconic sunflower sea star from extinction!

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