You helped close another dog track!‏

Dear Friends,

Our strategy to end greyhound cruelty is working.

Over the weekend, Governor Terry Branstad signed a new law to phase out greyhound racing in Iowa. As a result, dog racing will be cut by nearly 70% starting next year. One dog track will close, and $14 million in annual subsidies for greyhound breeders will permanently end.

This victory is due in part to years of hard work by GREY2K USA and other humane organizations. Four years ago we released a groundbreaking report on dog racing in the Hawkeye State, and met with major editorial boards and opinion leaders. Since then, we have continued to educate lawmakers and the public about greyhound cruelty.

The passage of this Iowa law is a huge step forward for greyhound advocates. Also, it is only one of several major victories we have won this year for the dogs:

These advances are a testament to the work we are doing together. They are also reminders, however, that we are capable of doing more. We spent months in Florida fighting for greyhound decoupling and injury reporting, and were heartbroken to ultimately fall short of those goals this year.

Quite frankly, our ability to give the dogs a voice is hampered by a lack of financial resources. Right now, we are unable to pursue viable opportunities to end dog racing because we do not have necessary funding.

That is why we need you to make a donation today, and help us give the greyhounds a voice. Also, thanks to a generous donation by GREY2K USA supporter Eddie DeBartolo, all donations up to $5,000 will be doubled!

We can win more victories for the greyhounds, but only with your continued support and partnership. Let's do it for the dogs!

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