An Innocent Black Man was Put to Death. It's time America Abolish the Death Penalty.

The recent tragic execution of Marcellus Williams, despite significant doubts about his guilt, highlights, quite literally, the fatal flaw of the death penalty. Leading up to his death, Williams faced a contentious legal battle, where critical evidence was mishandled and allegations of racial bias clouded the fairness of his trial. Horrifyingly, this is not the first time an innocent person has been sentenced to death in the U.S.. It's simple: America's legal system is too unreliable to use the death penalty as a form of punishment. It's time for the death penalty to finally be abolished.

Sign this petition to urge U.S. Congress to federally abolish the death penalty!

Williams' conviction was heavily reliant on unreliable testimonies and lacked direct forensic evidence linking him to the crime. The fact that his case is not isolated is chilling. Williams' execution reflects a systemic issue within our criminal justice system that disproportionately affects people of color and risks the execution of innocent individuals. 

As Amnesty International puts it, "The risk of executing a wrongly convicted person can never be eliminated." The time to end the death penalty is now. It is not only a flawed justice measure but a moral failure that contradicts the values of equity and humanity.

Sign this petition to urge Congress to end a punitive system that is not only flawed but fundamentally unjust.

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