Please stop clear cutting of healthy trees at once!

  • al: Kae Flack
  • destinatario: All governmental authorities who exchange money- their financial gain with American people's and global health, well being; BLM; developers

Clear cutting is now worldwide. Chlorophyll, the green substance found in leaves plays a big role in creating oxygen which creates cool good air. The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. But all this is being wiped out on this earth.

Trees balance out gas pollution by emitting oxygen into the air. Before the clear cutting began, the air was heavy with vehicles polluting the air with carbon monoxide but due to many trees, we didn't have serious global warming. Now we do due to clear cutting. Understandably, some old dead trees must be cut down as they are dried up and may cause fire, but healthy, strong trees should be kept alive.

It takes over 30 years for a young tree to grow to maturity. When trees of some areas of NW America were clear cut 30 years ago, they had signs of warmer weather. Now that the replaced baby trees grew back to maturity, even more are being cut down. Since then, the population grew, we have more toxicity in the air so we are in a worst state than ever before, playing a big part in global warming.

Besides, keeping healthy trees help the land from erosion and they keep the rivers and streams with shade where fish thrive. They provide habitat for wild life which helps the ecosystem on this earth.

Have you ever passed through some trees, or walked among them and felt the cool air? That is because of trees emitting cool oxygen. If you've noticed more rain in the mountains, it is because the oxygen from the trees bring moisture which bring clouds which bring rain. They work together. We are now in the midst of drought season. Plants need rain, farmers need rain, we all need water to survive. People can't exist on planets without water . We need the healthy trees more than ever!

So stop the clear cutting at once! America must lead the way to fight global warming.

Actualizar #4hace 9 años
Hello tree
I’ve come to see you again
Thank you for the shelter
From Heaven’s endless tears
And for guarding me from the wicked wind…
I like you when you chatter
With a help from a breeze
And for gently allowing
a sanctuary of rest or nest place
in your arms
For birds of all kinds
For giving us good air
And for letting the sun’s rays
To touch earth and me
Actualizar #3hace 9 años
Not enough scientists are being heard. Some argue that loss of trees have much to do with global warming. The politicians who get money from loggers, etc. look the other way but global warming cannot be ignored! I urge you to sign this petition. Clear cutting is done daily.
Actualizar #2hace 9 años
Scientists from major institutions concluded having more trees improve health and bring more years to their lives. Most people benefit greatly from being near trees.
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
More and more inexperienced city planners control architects and developers, ordering cutting of healthy huge trees serving as umbrellas in the communities against heat. They are to blame in the cities where trees are most needed, just because they stand in the way of certain developments, making excuses tree cutting goes to their tree fund. Trees were there first; why can't they develop around them?
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