Demand that the Gross Injustice be corrected/ Award Dr. Wu, her Nobel Prize, now--better late than n
Chien-Shiung Wu
"Chien-Shiung Wu took a different route to support the war effort. The Chinese-born American was already in her thirties and teaching physics at both Princeton University in New Jersey and Smith College in Massachusetts. Her work garnered the attention of the U.S. Government during WWII and was invited to work on the Army’s secretive Manhattan Project at Columbia University. Dr. Wu helped developed the process that enabled the enrichment of uranium ore to produce large enough quantities to make the atomic bomb. Later she discovered a principle in physics which overthrew a then widely held belief about the law of symmetry. The discovery earned the Nobel Prize of Physics in 1957, but only Dr. Wu’s two male colleagues were given the credit. She spent the rest of her life lecturing and encouraging women to participate in science. The “First Lady of Physics” died in New York in 1997."
If both her male colleagues received Nobel Prize in Physics--Dr. Wu should have too. This gross In-Justice needs and must be corrected.
Dear Nobel Prize Commity,
There was a gross injustice back in 1957, Dr. Wu worked on the project that was Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics that year, also. She has since passed away, please correct this injustice by awarding her her Nobel Prize, post harmoniously and awarding the money to her surviving descendents. (This is first draft)
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37 signatures, I do not know what to say.
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