Demand to end animal pornography.

    Xavier Hollander a prostitute & best selling novelist relates in her book that she has sex with a German shepherd. I met her in Spain at a resort. She sat on my chaise. Bragging about her book to famous people I was with, she was respected. I am not a prude of any means I asked her if it was true what she did to the dog? Where she laughed & said the dog liked it! I calmly asked her to get off my chaise, & not come near me, disposable animals without rights. You have enough sexual partners without taking advantage of voiceless animals! Which she is a degradation to human race. All German Shepard owners & dog owners should be horrified & ban her books. She calmly looked at me and said shut up I have made millions screwing animals! Ban her not publish anything she is a threat to society. Not good for our children or planet. I want to remain Anonymous, this is true. I am afraid of those who publish her books, etc.
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