Time is of the Essence!
Mr. Bill Walter wants to insert a clause prohibiting the feeding of feral cats on the Keaau County Transfer Station land (Hawaii) which W.H. Shipman Ltd. owns and leases to the County. There has been a 6 year effort of volunteers to establish and maintain a Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage program at the site. He would be acting inhumanely and naively when the consequences of removal of these cats is concerned!
Once the cats are gone, rats, mice, mongoose and feral pigs will take over the property. Mongoose, carriers of rabies, will be running the dumpsters, outside toilets and water fountains. The pigs will invade further, defecating as they go. Poisoning might be illegal considering the amount of human traffic which daily throws out its trash there. Then there is the "vacuum effect"which always happens when a colony of neutered cats is taken away- a bunch of non-neutered cats will take its place and thus more unwanted kittens and cats.
Hui Pono Holoholona labored tirelessly and lovingly for 6 yrs to neuter, feed, give the Keaau cats shots and find them homes. Please help keep the cat population stable, sanitized and cared for by signing this petition! Aloha
Time is of the Essence!
Mr. Bill Walter wants to insert a clause prohibiting the feeding of feral cats on the Keaau County Transfer Station land (Hawaii) which W.H. Shipman Ltd. owns and leases to the County. There has been a 6 year effort of volunteers to establish and maintain a Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage program at the site. He would be acting inhumanely and naively when the consequences of removal of these cats is concerned!
Once the cats are gone, rats, mice, mongoose and feral pigs will take over the property. Mongoose, carriers of rabies, will be running the dumpsters, outside toilets and water fountains. The pigs will invade further, defecating as they go. Poisoning might be illegal considering the amount of human traffic which daily throws out its trash there. Then there is the "vacuum effect"which always happens when a colony of neutered cats is taken away- a bunch of non-neutered cats will take its place and thus more unwanted kittens and cats.
Once the cats are gone, rats, mice, mongoose and feral pigs will take over the property. Mongoose, carriers of rabies, will be running the dumpsters, outside toilets and water fountains. The pigs will invade further, defecating as they go. Poisoning might be illegal considering the amount of human traffic which daily throws out its trash there. Then there is the "vacuum effect"which always happens when a colony of neutered cats is taken away- a bunch of non-neutered cats will take its place and thus more unwanted kittens and cats.
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