Repeal the 150-year-old "zombie law" that the GOP wants to use to ban abortion!

With abortion rights under attack by the Republican Party at every level, it's vitally important that we cut off any opportunities they might have to further restrict our rights — and that's why the Senate must repeal the Comstock Act ASAP!

The Comstock Act was passed in 1873 and has not been enforced for decades. It bans lewd, obscene or abortion-producing materials from being sent through the mail — and you can immediately see how the GOP could revive this "zombie law" and use it to stop abortion pills from being distributed through the mail.

Repeal the Comstock Act!

The Comstock Act has already been cited by anti-abortion extremists in their efforts to ban mifepristone, a key drug used in both medical abortion and in delivery. On top of that, the right-wing think tank Heritage Foundation has said in its "Project 2025" plans for a second Trump term that the Act should be used to ban abortion pill distribution. We can't allow them to succeed.

"The Comstock Act is a 150-year-old zombie law banning abortion that's long been relegated to the dustbin of history," says Sen. Tina Smith of Minnesota. "Now that Trump has overturned Roe, a future Republican administration could misapply this 150-year-old Comstock law to deny American women their rights, even in states where abortion rights are protected by state law." We MUST repeal the Comstock Act before it's too late!

Tell the Senate to repeal the 150-year-old "zombie law" that the GOP wants to use to ban abortion!

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