Maria Scharfenberg Grüne Politikerin aus dem Amt entheben

Maria Scharfenberg hat in Ihrem Garten eine Totschlagfalle aufgestellt. Diese Fallen sind verboten!!!!!! Durch diese Totschlagfalle kam eine 2 jährige Nachbarskatze grausam zu Tode! Diese Frau hat kein Recht in der Politik mitzureden, da sie mitnichten rechtschaffen ist!

Die zweijährige Main Coon Katze ist jämmerlich gestorben, weil eine Politikerin Gesetzeswidrig gehandelt hat. Und dies ist sowas von unverantwortlich! 

Maria Scharfenberg, a German politican put this trap in her Garden and Killed a 2 years Old Main Coon cat from her neighbors. 

I Kindly ASK you to Support that this Woman will fired out of her official Role in the politic.


Relieve Maria Scharfenberg Green politician from office BY: Sandra Klein Target: Chancellor Angela Merkel Maria Scharfenberg has established a manslaughter case in her garden. These traps are prohibited !!!!!! Through this homicide case, a 2 year-old neighbor's cat came cruelly to death! This woman has a say no right in politics, because it is by no means righteous! The two-year Main Coon cat died miserably, because a politician has acted illegally. And this is kind of irresponsible! Maria Scharfenberg, a German politican put this trap in her Garden and Killed a 2 years old Main Coon cat from her neighbors. I Kindly Ask You to Support that this Woman want to BE fired out of her official role in the politic. Source: Read petition letter - Dear Chancellor Merkel, we are calling for the impeachment of the Greens politician Maria Scharfenberg. She has set up a manslaughter case in her yard and killed by a 2 year old cat. The manslaughter fall are prohibited in Germany. Mrs. Scharfenberg has acted unlawfully and inhuman! Such an act can not be tolerated. Even not by a green politician! Best regards, Sandra Klein

Sehr geehrte Kanzlerin Merkel, wir fordern die Amtsenthebung der Grünen Politikerin Maria Scharfenberg. Sie hat eine Totschlagfalle in Ihrem Garten aufgestellt und dadurch eine 2 jährige Katze getötet. Die totschlagfallen sind in Deutschland verboten. Frau Scharfenberg hat rechtswidrig und unmenschlich gehandelt!

Solch eine Tat kann nicht geduldet werden. Schon garnicht von einer grünen Politikerin!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Sandra Klein

Relieve Maria Scharfenberg Green politician from office BY: Sandra Klein Target: Chancellor Angela Merkel Maria Scharfenberg has established a manslaughter case in her garden. These traps are prohibited !!!!!! Through this homicide case, a 2 year-old neighbor's cat came cruelly to death! This woman has a say no right in politics, because it is by no means righteous! The two-year Main Coon cat died miserably, because a politician has acted illegally. And this is kind of irresponsible! Maria Scharfenberg, a German politican put this trap in her Garden and Killed a 2 years old Main Coon cat from her neighbors. I Kindly Ask You to Support that this Woman want to BE fired out of her official role in the politic. Source: Read petition letter - Dear Chancellor Merkel, we are calling for the impeachment of the Greens politician Maria Scharfenberg. She has set up a manslaughter case in her yard and killed by a 2 year old cat. The manslaughter fall are prohibited in Germany. Mrs. Scharfenberg has acted unlawfully and inhuman! Such an act can not be tolerated. Even not by a green politician! Best regards, Sandra Klein

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