Protect your rights as a home owner and recall NAR's MLS Clear Cooperation Policy

  • al: Jamie Waryck
  • destinatario: General Public, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Brokers, Members of NAR

A home owner should have the right to work with a Realtor® and decide for him or herself whether the home is sold with full exposure to the public, with limited access to the public, in total privacy or through a combination of any of these based upon the homeowner's personal wants and needs. The National Association of Realtors® has decided to remove this right from you. Join us in asking for a recall of their new Clear Cooperation Policy.


The National Association of Realtors®, NAR, recently stunted off-market (aka Pocket) listings with its new MLS Clear Cooperation Policy set to go into effect May 1, 2020.

While this policy claims to work toward better service of the community as a whole, and ensure fair practice among sellers, buyers and industry professionals alike, it is no more than a massive overstepping of bounds and a blatant disregard for how a seller and buyer may wish to handle the trade of their own real estate. There are varied reasons, advantages and disadvantages for why a seller or buyer may need, or want, to handle the trade of real estate in a private manner. Those needs and wants should not be dictated or limited by NAR, but instead left to the discretion of the home owner.

Sellers and buyers should have the right to market and purchase their homes, in partnership with industry professionals, as fits their needs whether it be for safety reasons, financial reasons or simply because they can. For NAR to dictate the methods of marketing one's own asset, and predetermine the level of visibility that transaction has to the masses, is unacceptable at its core and must be revoked.

In addition to removing the right of the homeowner, this policy opens the door for unfair advantages to the mega-brokerages while inhibiting smaller establishments that are the backbone of countless communities.

We can change that. We need to change that. I'm asking you to sign this petition and protect your rights as a buyer and seller to choose what level of visibility your sale or purchase has to the public. I'm asking you to sign as a Realtor® to protect your rights to serve your clients in the way that best suits their needs whether they want that to be publicly or privately. If we want this industry to survive we have to recognize that it thrives on innovation, creativity and the ability to be flexible with our client needs. Sign now to support the recall.

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