Stop American Mustang Slaughter, Demand a Head Count and Expose the Secret Documents!

  • al: Anne Novak
  • destinatario: Secretary Ryan Zinke, US Congress

PROBLEM: Killing and/or selling America's wild horses to slaughter buyers--based on fake population estimates and fear mongering with grossly inflated projected costs for the next 20 years.

SOLUTION: 1.) Get an Independent Head Count now to know exactly how many wild horses are left #Galloping2Extinction. 2.) Use Holistic Management and Reserve Design to manage America's cherished wild horses and burros on public land. This will help reduce costly catastrophic wildfires in the West as well as reduce the budget needed to manage wild horses and burros by at least 3/4. It's a win-win.

Right now "Unlimited Sales" (to Slaughter buyers) and "Humane Euthanasia" are in the budget proposal for wild horse management despite the Fact there is No Evidence of overpopulation, a failed adoption program and no accurate head count in holding or in the wild. Even the National Academy of Sciences stated there is no evidence of overpopulation.

Does the United States Department of Interior and Secretary Ryan Zinke, under the Trump administration, want to Manage America's Wild Horses to Extinction? Do they want to kill them, use radical population control aka Sterilization or have "unlimited sales"? That means Iconic American wild horses will go to slaughter to be eaten abroad as a delicacy. This is an outrage!

In 2008 the Bureau of Land Management, an agency in the Department of Interior, was plotting to KILL and STERILIZE America's wild horses and burros. On September 9, 2016 the Wild Horse Advisory Board voted to move the bureau's plot forward. 7/8 members voted to euthanize all the alleged "unadoptable" wild horses in taxpayer funded holding facilities after taxpayers have been paying for years to round them up, remove them, transport them, feed them, vaccinate them, pay for all the Wild Horse & Burro employees paychecks, etc. Read the secret documents from 2008 ( showing the beginning of the plot to kill America's wild horses and burros.

Get involved in your community to stop this now. Real change happens from the ground up.

Here's what you can do:

1.) Sign and share this petition by email to everyone you know. Post it on social media everyday to get it out there!

2.) Call and Meet with your elected officials or their staff and send them copies of this petition plus a link to the secret documents to let them know this must be stopped now!

3.) Demand an independent head count now to uncover the truth that wild horses and burros are underpopulated on vast acreage in the West.

4.) Let them know that Holistic Management and Reserve Design will restore the thriving natural ecological balance on public land.

5.) Know that Pesticide PZP for Birth Control or other injectable population control is wrong when there is no head count and obviously the herds are underpopulated. Pesticide PZP ruins their immune system, ruins survival of the fittest, especially when they need to survive climate change.

6.) Take wild horses out government holding and put them back on the legally designated federal herd areas from 1971. Wild horses and burros have a right to be there.

7.) Save billions of dollars over the next 20 years by dropping feed and bringing in water if there is a drought.

The public is outraged the U.S. Government and elected officials want to kill our wild horses, burros and only leave a few token herds for snapshots. This cruelty is a disgrace to America and our symbols of freedom. We demand you Stop American Mustangs Slaughter before it starts and Do the Head Count now!

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