Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand the Florida lawmakers to do more in the fight against climate changes. As assessment will be presented by our President Obama that states South Florida is vulnerable to sea rise, extreme heat and other dangers.
Scientists has been studying recent climate changes as set forth by the National Climate Assessment on various regions. The draft of their report states that areas throughout Florida is “exceptionally vulnerable” to risks from man-made climate change including rising seas, more extreme heat and dropping water supplies. One of the geology professors involved in the scientific climate changes studies states that “We already have water in the streets in places like Key West and on Bayshore Drive. We’ve created an immense problem."
This assessment study shows that there are rapid climate changes around the country of larger social, economic and political context. It is intended to help the federal government establish priorities for dealing with the effects of climate change, spend its money more wisely and provide guidelines for local governments, something that has been determined recently by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Plans seem to be made as a conclusion of these various studies but the plans are never carried out.
Throughout the original assessment report, it stated that temperatures in the region are expected to rise between two and six degrees in the next century, a change they attribute to natural climate variability. Some conclusions are that some climate models are based on warming caused by higher carbon emissions that puts sea levels to rise at 6.6 feet, well above widely accepted projections of one to four feet above existing levels. This would put nearby residents in danger of high tides.
Farmers are also fearful of the new, drastic climate changes, stating that “We’ve been complaining for 20 years about this water table. We’re in the driest part of the year and we’re still wet." The geology professor involved in the scientific climate changes studies adds that “They’re really low-balling it because they don’t know what to do with all this ice melt. By the end of the century, Miami-Dade, Broward and Monroe, they’re going to be very challenging places to live."
We need to demand that Florida lawmakers do more in carrying out their plans as a result of these climate change assessment studies. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand the Florida lawmakers to do more in the fight against climate changes. As assessment will be presented by our President Obama that states South Florida is vulnerable to sea rise, extreme heat and other dangers.
Florida State Lawmakers - Please incorporate some stringent plans that will do more to fight impending climate changes that can put Florida residents in danger. The predictions set forth from the recent climate change assessment studies shows that there is rapidly changing research into a larger social, economic and political context intended to help the federal government establish priorities for dealing with the effects of climate change, spend its money more wisely and provide guidelines for local governments. Results conclude that, while you are considering a lot of plans for change, nothing is being done to carry out any of these plans. Please incorporate these plans that can fight off drastic climate changes and protect your citizens!
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