Help End the Climate Crisis

    At our current rate of emissions, the world is predicted to warm by 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. This amount in temperature rise will cause catastrophic damage to the planet with the effects lasting for many thousands of years, seriously affecting countless generations to come. By 2100, with 4 degrees Celsius warming, nearly all coral reefs, which support a quarter of all known oceanic species, are predicted to die off. Vast portions of the Amazon Rainforest, which supports a quarter of all land-living species, are expected to collapse, and half of all known species are predicted to go extinct, with many disappearing by 2060.

    However, climate change is not just an animal problem, it is also a human problem. As a result of climate change, 3.5 billion people will be forced to become climate refugees by 2060 all over the world, as their homes become incompatible to live in. The sea level rise alone may drive hundreds of millions from their homes. All places on the entire planet will be affected. Cities such as Alexandria, Bangkok, New Orleans, Venice, New York, Miami, London, Ho Chi Minh City, Hamburg, Dubai, and many others are all at risk from sea level rise. Entire countries may go under water such as the Maldives. Granted, some areas of the globe will not be as seriously affected by the devastating impacts of climate change, but if you care for the well-being of the planet, you should do something to protect it. And this is where we come to the second part of this petition.

    While many world governments and certain companies do nothing really at all to fix any environmental issues and emit far more than they should, we all are part of the problem that is climate change. Admittedly some far more than others, but it is a problem we all must fix now before it gets any worse. It is still possible for temperatures only to rise by 2 degrees Celsius which will be a far better option than 4 degrees Celsius. Look up the differences between them yourself. However, if anything is to happen, if we are to reach 2 degrees Celsius, you must act. Pledge to do so by signing this petition and sharing it with others. Raising awareness about climate change and learning how you can help is probably about one of the most effective ways to help the environment.

    If you are not sure about what you can do, there are always lists of ideas on the internet on how to help the environment. You can also look at this publication by WWF which has a list of 60 ideas to help the environment: 60 Actions for the Planet Revised 2023 | Publications | WWF ( Remember, the window we must reach to keep warming at or below 2 degrees Celsius is rapidly closing. If anything is to change, you must act now.

    This petition was created by the youth organization In Our Generations Hands or IGH. It focuses mainly on raising awareness in schools about climate change and inspiring others to take action for the planet. If you would like to join or would like to learn more, please contact us at
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