DA - File Charges against Craig Emory Hayes for Stabbing a dog to death in Petsmart.

Vigilante justice must not go unpunished. We cannot let fear or ignorance define our actions. We will never condone the stabbing of a dog in a pet store. Clara was a target because of her breed, not because of her actions. This was an act of unadulterated animal abuse as well as a hate crime and we demand charges be filed.

Clara's death is being argued as breed specific fear.  It cannot be legal to stab any dog to death in a scuffle that happens often between animals at a pet store. There are a million other intelligent ways to handle these incidents. This was not a vicious dog attack, Clara did have a hold of the small dog’s ear and we understand the owner was stressed! However all witnesses say they were at a standoff and the handler was able to put his hand in Clara’s mouth, as it was not clenched shut. There weren't two fatalities, only Clara was killed. We will not allow this behavior at a pet store in front of children.  That in itself is child abuse. The psychological damage inflicted on the children who witnessed this brutal attack will stay with them forever!  It could have been your dog or my dog.  It could have been your children, or mine, who witnessed it. Would you have accepted this if it were? This is not how we, as an evolved intelligent species, behave. News reports and videos from witnesses agree that this was not a warranted or justified act and they had no fear of Clara. We will file Freedom of Information Act paperwork for the medical records on Lexie to determine for ourselves if her injuries were serious. We already know they weren't life threatening. A case must be followed through and charges clearly must be issued.


Eye Wittnesses:


FBI Article:


'Let The Light Of Awareness Enter Our Hearts'. 

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
As we know the person who stabbed Clara in a petsmart walked free. :(. We must stay loud and keep up the fight for the voiceless.

Please join us...
Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Braveheart is asking you to sign and share, please help him get the two pups in his hometown released from the shelter and into a waiting foster home!

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