Protest Stray Cat Hunting in Switzerland!

Stray cat hunting is still legal in Switzerland, thanks to lawmakers' 105 to 59 decision to reject a proposed ban. Hunting supporters argue that cats endanger birds and lizards, and humane control methods such as sterilization are too costly to implement.

While it's true that cats hunt wild birds and lizards, they also keep rat populations under control. Furthermore, hunting is cruel, ineffective, and a danger to civilians. In some places, it is permitted to hunt cats up to 200 meters away from homes, and many cats are injured from bullets and left to suffer.

Please sign the petition to stand in protest against Swiss lawmakers' decision to preserve these cruel hunting practices!

We understand that Swiss officials have voted to uphold stray cat hunting in Switzerland due to concerns about birds and lizards, and the supposed impracticality of humane sterilization methods.

While it's true that cats hunt wild birds and lizards, they also keep rat populations under control. Furthermore, hunting is cruel, ineffective, and a danger to civilians. In some places, it is permitted to hunt cats up to 200 meters away from homes, and many cats are injured from bullets and left to suffer.

We respectfully urge you to reconsider your position on hunting stray cats in Switzerland. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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