Guam's Animals URGENT Plea to Congress: Tell Our Leaders To ENFORCE Bill 9

  • al: Erica Leon Guerrero
  • destinatario: Governor and Lt. Governor of Guam; Senator's; Village Mayors, Guam Police Department, Guam Agriculture (Animal Control)

According to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s (ALDF) 2010 rankings report on the strength and comprehensiveness of the laws of each state and territory in the U.S., Guam was named one of the nation’s “best places to be an animal abuser.” In 2011, Guam was applauded for its introduction of Bill 9 to it's anti-cruelty laws.

As an activist for animal welfare, I whole-heartedly support Bill 9. Despite Guam's efforts to improve, the fact still remains that the laws put in place to protect the animals who share our island, simply hold no bearing to the real issue. Based on personal experience and on my daily observation, Bill 9 has had no impact on the number of animals VISIBLY neglected and abused since it's introduction.

The vast majority of Guam's community are somewhat immune to the sight of animals that have been neglected, abandoned, or abused. This does not exclude ranking officials and those legally tasked to enforce these laws. With a disconnected community (in its majority), the complacency of law enforcement, and a shortage of funding, there are fewer cases reported; fewer rescue attempts made; and a growing amount of perpetrators who go unpursued and unpunished. No one is held accountable and our laws continue to fail the victims.

Unfortunately, the inherent lack of compassion towards animals cannot be changed through legislation. It is disheartening and overwhelmingly sad, and I, along with others who share my views, are outnumbered.

My goal is to gain the attention of Congress who will in turn hold Guam's leaders accountable for the enforcement of Macons Law aka Bill 9.

While I agree that animal rights and legislation should not be our only priority, I also agree that it is a topic that needs to be factored in as a priority regardless. Any action taken towards improvement is still better than no action taken. I firmly believe that "not responding is a response. We are all just as equally responsible for what we don't do."

Be the voice for Guam's animals. Please visit the following link to sign this petition and share with everyone you know.

Thank you for your support.

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