houner Dogs dedication to Us as Nepal Do on second day of Kukur festival

  • al: Ana Da Silva
  • destinatario: Animal Health and Welfare Board for England

Celebrating the connection between humans and Dogs by dedicating a day to adore them without them having to perform any tricks to amuse Us. it would help raise the awareness on animals being sentient beings, remind people that dog fighting still goes on in this country and needs to be stopped, as well as dog racing and irresponsible breeding, it would also help urging the ban on animal testing, and I strongly believe it would get Us More support towards stopping the awfull  festival of Cat and Dog in Yulin, by leading by example, as well as Cat and dog consumption in other countries.

Thank you for taking the time to sign my petition, together we will save them all, the dogs, the cats, the pigs, the goats. If we choose to act, if we refuse to forget, we will get there!              Love*Light

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