Multiple Cats Have Been Found Cut in Half in This Houston Neighborhood. We Demand Answers.

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Houston Police Department
It's a gruesome mystery that's leaving residents disgusted and confused: the bodies of several dead cats are showing up strewn about a Houston neighborhood. What makes this particularly horrific is that their bodies have been severed, cut cleanly in half. Three cats were found in the span of two weeks, which means we have to act fast to make sure no more suffer the same fate.

Sign the petition to urge the Houston Police Department to investigate these grotesque displays of animal cruelty exhaustively!

According to reports, police in the area claim that there's "not enough evidence to know for certain if this was done by an animal or by a person," and are claiming that these could be the remnants of a wildlife attack. But according to residents and animal rescue professionals on the scene, that might not be true.

Neighbors say that they've never seen anything like this in the decades that they have lived there. Why would wildlife patterns suddenly change so dramatically? Plus, what predator leaves behind the remains of the animal that they killed for sustenance? It's just not adding up.

"It's frightening." That's what nearby residents have to say. Faced with bloody violence, they are scared for their own safety and, of course, the safety of their animals! One of the cats was a sweet calico named Stella. Her family must be devastated, along with the owners of the other two cats who were so horribly slaughtered.

Only one thing is glaringly clear in this tragic, bizarre matter: the authorities must get to the bottom of this at once. If there is a person creeping around Houston, snatching up cats and slicing them in half, they must be stopped at once. This level violence is a threat to animals and people alike, as research tells us animal abusers often escalate to human victims.

We cannot allow the Houston Police Department to become complacent by assuming this is some kind of wildlife attack! Sign the petition demanding a thorough, thoughtful investigation into the deaths of Houston's cats!
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