Save The Trees, Save The World

Forest conservation is a growing issue around the world. International forests are being exploited for logging, livestock grazing, and cropping. Deforestation rates in the Amazon have grown to a shocking 80% in the past 30 years. The Amazon lost 150,000 square kilometers of forest land from 2000-2006 and 600,000 square kilometers since 1970.
As you probably know, loss of habitat is the greatest cause of extinction. Species that find habitat in the Amazon are losing habitat incredibly quickly, and biodiversity is dwindling in numbers at an appauling rate. The Amazon supplies more than 20% of the world's oxygen, and as deforestation continues, that number shrinks. The more trees in the Amazon lessen, the less carbon dioxide is being converted into oxygen, leading to an increase in overall air pollution.
I'm sure I don't have to relate the urgency of commending this mistake. By signing this petition, you are putting in your action to decrease rates of deforestation in the Amazon. You are putting in your action to save the world. 

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