Every year, 47,000 women worldwide die as a result of unsafe abortion. Countless more face stigma, discrimination, injury and hospitalization just for considering a choice. They are your mothers, sisters, daughters friends - lost. Their deaths are preventable. Legalizing abortion and ensuring access to abortion services can save millions.
The right to safe and legal abortion is under attack. Last June, UN representatives took a huge step backwards by choosing not to mention ‘reproductive rights’ in the final report of the international Rio+20 conference, despite the fact that in 1994, they had committed to supporting sexual and reproductive rights in the Cairo Action Plan.
In 2014 and 2015, UN representatives will review the Cairo Action Plan, the Millennium Development Goals, and perhaps represent their country at a Fifth World Conference on Women. We expect them to reaffirm their commitment for all sexual and reproductive rights, and, specifically, that they explicitly support the right to safe abortion for all women from every country in the world.
For us, young feminists from all over the world, women’s sexual and reproductive rights are inalienable and universal, and they include the right to abortion. We refuse any step backward with regards international human rights, and we ask our leaders to represent us during the forthcoming UN negotiations with political courage and conviction.
It is the duty of our leaders to make our voices heard, support our call, and recognize that each woman has the right to proclaim that “My body is mine!”
Learn more at: http://www.september28.org.
The right to abortion is under attack! International call of young feminists
To our representatives at the United Nations,
Last June, you took a huge step backwards by choosing not to mention ‘reproductive rights’ in the final report of the international Rio+20 conference. In 1994, you had committed to supporting sexual and reproductive rights in the Cairo Action Plan. Are human rights just fleeting declarations, to be forgotten or modified as politics demand?
For us, young feminists from all over the world, women’s sexual and reproductive rights are inalienable and universal. Key amongst is the right to abortion, fundamental for all women on this planet.
We, young feminists, like generations of feminists before us, are fighting every day for the right to legal, free, safe and accessible abortion. In Turkey, the United States or Spain, we have been mobilizing to protect this right where it is under threat; in Poland, Malta, Ireland and Brazil, we are organizing to lift all restrictions to it. In many other countries, budget cuts and rollbacks to social programs have been extremely detrimental to women and their health, whether by the closures of women’s clinics, the denial of insurance coverage for contraceptives or the increasing difficulty of accessing safe abortion services. In these countries we are uniting to protect the rights we thought were established.
We, young feminists, demand respect for our right to choose what we want to do with our bodies and our sexualities. No one may interfere with our choices, our bodies and our lives, be it the State, religious authorities, or economic convenience.
In 2014 and 2015, you will review the Cairo Action Plan, the Millennium Development Goals, and perhaps represent your country at a Fifth World Conference on Women. We expect you to reaffirm your commitment for all sexual and reproductive rights, and, specifically, that you explicitly support the right to safe abortion for all women from all countries in the world.
Today, we, young feminists from all continents, refuse any step backward with regards international human rights, and we ask you to represent us during the forthcoming UN negotiations with political courage and conviction.
It is your duty to make our voices heard, support our call, and recognize that each woman has the right to proclaim that “My body is mine!”
First signatories:
Flora Geley, France
Nathalie Margi, France/United States
Noémie Oswalt, France
Pierrette Pape, Belgium
Lucie Sabau, France
Leigh Senderowicz, United States
Charlotte Soulary, France
Sarah Werner, France
Leticia Zenevich, Brazil
Contact: mybodycampaign@gmail.com
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