Bring DanceSport to the Olympics!

  • al: Olympic DanceSport
  • destinatario: Olympics Additional Event Programme Panel and the IOC (International Olympic Committee)

DanceSport is Competitive Ballroom & Latin Ballroom Dancing. It has a huge worldwide following and the potential to be one of the popular Olympic events! DanceSport was recognized as an Olympic eligible event in 1997, yet has never been scheduled. As an example, of DanceSports popularity, both days of the event sold out completely in the last two World Games. The caliber competition is exceptional and appealing to both a stadium and television audience.

Actualizar #3hace 9 años
An update with news from Tokyo

Actualizar #2hace 9 años
A great article of the progress toward DanceSport in the Olympics.

Please keep sharing the petition and any information you have.

You can contact us with helpful information through our facebook site:
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
Thank you for signing the petition to bring DanceSport to the Olymipcs.
-Please LIKE and SHARE the community facebook page.
-Also write a post or message the page with why you would like to see DanceSport at the Olympics, your videos or your pictures that will show others the power of DanceSport.

Thank you!!
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