Please Help Save the Foxes in Vaudreuil

There has been a number of fox sightings reported to the City of Vaudreuil this summer. Without there being reported studies done, and without there being any reports of diseased foxes or violent incidents between a fox and human or their pet, the City has decided to hire trappers to come in to trap and destroy these beautiful creatures.

Please tell the City of Vaudreuil that we are NOT OK WITH THIS DECISION and that they need to search for a better alternative. All the information that is made available to the public has been mere speculation. There has been no reported study done to indicate the actual number of foxes in the area or how they can adversely affect the ecosystem.

City of Vaudreuil-Dorion, you need to either leave these foxes alone or show the citizens of Vaudreuil what the actual situation is and that trapping these foxes is the only solution possible!!!

Please sign this petition but also take it one step further by sharing it with everyone you know! By standing together we can show that our voice needs to be heard and that our wildlife is important to all of us!

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
A letter has been received by the City of Vaudreuil stating that at the moment they have decided to leave the foxes alone. By September they will reevaluate the situation and decide if the foxes are cohabitating with the population without incidence.
Thank you for your support, without you this wouldn't have happened! Please continue to share, the fight isn't over yet! There will be a council meeting in August and I am sure this will be one of the topics of discussion!
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