Bring phones back into lunch

    The governor has decide to take away all phone usage in Virginia schools along with headphone usage, students have emergency’s and we are now forced to only contact our parents through a school phone infront of fellow students and teachers/admin with no privacy or personal confidentiality, some students are not able to focus in silence or to loud of an environment, not all students are socially comfortable and prefer being able to put their headphones on and watching a show or social media on their phone/mobile device without restriction just so they feel comfortable eating, we get patrolled like we are in jail, we have limited availability through the day to even contact our parents due to the extreme extent our governor has taken the phone policies to, every student should be aloud to use their phone/mobile device in the halls and cafeteria during lunch so they can keep track of appointments, family issues, transportation on how they’re getting home, etc.

    Please take a moment and sign this petition for students to be available to have their phones in the halls during class change and during lunch or just during lunch time, not every student feels socially comfortable and confident having in person conversation and truly with this phone policy it’s not very inclusive.
    firma la petición
    firma la petición
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