Fund vape Detectors For York High School Bathrooms.
Restrooms at York High School have been locked or shut due to students misusing them. Students have used the bathrooms to use substances or to skip class, when the bathrooms are unavailable it raises problems for a fraction of students at the school. There are our all-gender bathrooms in the YHS building, along with the nurse's bathroom and staff bathrooms (Which students are not supposed to use). When someone uses the all-gender bathrooms to smoke or vape it has led to those bathrooms being locked to prohibit the use of drugs on campus. However, locking the bathrooms has not fixed the issue, it has only moved it to other bathrooms. Which then has led to gendered bathrooms being locked. The bathrooms in the York Community Auditorium lobby have been caged and locked in the past, and the gate remains on the wall due to the usage of substances in those bathrooms. This causes many issues for other students. Students need to have access to bathrooms during the school day, and when locked, it can take a long time for a student to walk around the entire school to find an open bathroom. Some students have stated that it has taken them a surplus of twenty minutes just to find a bathroom that was open. Twenty minutes subsided from their learning time and education. There have been complaints from students who want to use their time in school valuably to learn and be educated. So, as an effort to solve the problem, a proposal for vape detectors to be installed in the bathrooms. If these detectors are placed in the bathrooms students will refrain from abusing substances in them. If they do continue to use drugs in the bathroom the detectors will alert an administrator as to where the student is which can also get the student help for the fact they feel the need to use drugs in school. This will allow faculty to prevent the usage of drugs on campus while also allowing people the ability to use the bathrooms when they need them. This is why installing vape detectors in the York High School bathrooms would benefit students and faculty, because the easier it is for students to find a bathroom the quicker they can get back to class to learn.
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