Stop the building of Playa Santos (grupo MIA) and save turtle nesting areas.

  • al: Daf Jind
  • destinatario: SEMARNAT Mexico

Black Creek Group - Grupo MIA in Mexico has bought 4,000,000 m2 of land on the out skirts of Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico. A small artist, fishing and agricultural community about an hour north of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja peninsula. Grupo MIA is planning to build a mega project over the next 20 year that could multiple the towns population over 3 times. The Baja peninsula is a desert, no rivers and very little rain ever falls here. Water is a very major issue up and down the peninsula. Grupo MIA proposes to use the very little water we have here and to build desalination plants to make up the difference for their huge projected water consumption. 

The southern part of the peninsula is one of the largest nesting areas for marine turtles in all of the Pacific. Todos Santos has a large and very well established community respect and rescue of sea turtle nests, These rescues release 100's of new born turtles every year. They invite schools, tourists and the entire community to help in these efforts. 

To build and place in operation these desalination plants changes the 3 vital aspects of the ocean's coastal balance. Alkalinity, water temperature and salt content in the sea water. These major changes in the balance of our coastline will make it almost impossible for most of the native flora and fauna to be able to survive. This of course includes the young turtle hatch-lings which live close to our coastlines until the are old enough to be able to survive in the open ocean. This can be years of coastal closeness for these young turtles, all of them are on the endangered species lists.

Signing this petition will not only state your objection to the lack of respect, by grupo MIA, for this very delicate environment but help Todos Santos maintain it's way of life and it's ever growing understanding and balance within the environment in which it exists.

For more in for on this Mega project see these links...

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