Onboard this is what they face: food and water troughs full of excrement, dangerously high levels of ammonia within their enclosure and mistreatment at the hands of workers. For those that arrive at their port of call, a different, yet equally horrific fate awaits. They are roughly handled by untrained staff, shoved in car trunks and then slaughtered, usually while fully conscious.
This treatment is completely in opposition to South African standards of animal treatment as per the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962. So if South Africa wouldn't allow animals to be treated with such disregard on their shores, why would they allow their sheep and other animals to endure such treatment abroad?
It is time to end cruel live animal exports in South Africa, especially to countries that have a horrible record of animal mistreatment. Sign the petition and tell the government to act now to ban this lowly practice