Stop the demolition of The Market Tavern Wigan

We the undersigned demand that the Market Tavern Hotel is saved from demolition.
The Market Hotel was built in 1875 during a decade of big change for the town centre.
It has seen many changes over the last 145 years and has stood the test of time, repurposing itself many times from a coach house to a hotel, from a pub to a restaurant and currently it is being converted into apartments and a bar.
The future of this fine heritage building is now uncertain.
It was bought in September 2020 by CRF Estates Limited, based in Liverpool. The ground floor and basement have been split into two sections and are up for rent with apartments upstairs to follow in the coming months.
However, the plans released by the Council and Cityheart earlier this year show it has been included for demolition in Phase 2 of the Town centre Galleries redevelopment schedule.
We must not allow this to happen. This fine heritage building must not be bulldozed just to make the land it is built on available to developers.
Council Officers have said there is no plan to include the Market Tavern in the development in the foreseeable future. Reading the public documents on the Council website this is clearly not true. The Tavern building is earmarked as a temporary site office for BCEGI until demolition. The new build on this site will be included in Phase 6. In addition there is a compulsory purchase order for parts of the Galleries included in the Forward Plan for November 2021, which may include the Market Tavern.
Please sign the petition to save the Market Tavern from demolition. Please say why you'd like to see it remain.

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