Don't leave the Sumatran rhino to die!

The Sumatran rhino is listed as critically endangered, with approximately 100 believed to be alive in the wild. Numbers more than halved between 1985 and 1995, primarily due to poaching.

But thanks to Australia promising funds, results in protecting them started already started looking so much more positive.

Last year, then foreign minister Bob Carr announce the government would provide $3m over three years to fund existing projects.

Fast-forward to today, and the foreign minister Julie Bishop has decided not to proceed with the program.

For the Australian government to pledge support and then back out, it’s potentially pretty devastating to the Sumatran rhino.

At a time when rhinos around the world are in danger of extension, the Sumatran is most critical, and a mere $3m to save an entire species in not much in the scheme of things.

We urge you, Julie Bishop, please think of the consequences of your actions. In fact we urge you to do more than just $3m. Imagine a world where your children, or grandchildren will only ever see what a Rhino looked like from old photographs, found in old wildlife magazines which no longer go to print, as there are no more animals to capture with a camera.

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