Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get Mexico to ban the ownership of exotic animals. There has been a huge exploitation of exotic animals in Playa and other areas of Mexico but no one is cracking down or enforcing laws that relate to endangered species and abuse. Let's help to protect all exotic animals throughout Mexico by urging a country-wide ban.
Playa del Carmen, Mexico is determined to protect endangered exotic animal species, implementing discussions and pleas with their local town council. They are working on a proposal aiming to protect wild, exotic and endemic animals from commercial exploitation. A spokesperson for the council stated “People from Playa del Carmen have become aware of the importance of the environment and its protection. They have acted by organizing a petition in order to raise awareness and the public deserve a solution and need to have all other areas in Mexico to follow through."
Other concerns is dolphinariums. The state of Quintana Roo, Mexico has more dolphins in captivity than any other in Mexico. The multi-million dollar industry is denounced by many local organizations who support the abolishment of captive cetaceans for amusement. They are also working to ban the use of animals in circuses. Because of high-demand from tourists, animals continue to be used for entertainment purposes. If tourists did not pay to be photographed with an exotic animal, this issue would simply not exist. Local activists have requested that the government launch a billboard and flier campaign highlighting the subject and to raise public awareness.
Most European and many Central and South American countries, as well as New Zealand have already banned shows that use animals. Mexico still has a way to go before joining this group, however there are already some states that lead the way, such as Colima, Querétaro, Morelos, Guerrero, Chihuahua and Chiapas in Mexico. However, all of Mexico needs to protect wild and exotic animals, allowing them to live in their own habitat. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get Mexico to ban the ownership of exotic animals. There has been a huge exploitation of exotic animals in Playa and other areas of Mexico but no one is cracking down or enforcing laws that relate to endangered species and abuse. Let's help to protect all exotic animals throughout Mexico by urging a country-wide ban.
Mexico Government for Fish & Wildlife Protection - As Playa del Carmen and other towns and states of Mexico are making some efforts in protecting the existence of wildlife and we are urging you to implement and enforce laws countrywide that bans the ownership of any and all wild and exotic animals. Also protect the exploitation of these animals for entertainment purposes and allow them to live in their own habitat as they were meant to do. Inflict punishment for anyone who violates the laws that do protect these animals and protect animal existence.
Mexico Government for Fish & Wildlife Protection - As Playa del Carmen and other towns and states of Mexico are making some efforts in protecting the existence of wildlife and we are urging you to implement and enforce laws countrywide that bans the ownership of any and all wild and exotic animals. Also protect the exploitation of these animals for entertainment purposes and allow them to live in their own habitat as they were meant to do. Inflict punishment for anyone who violates the laws that do protect these animals and protect animal existence.
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