Protect the Highlands Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary Forever!

  • al: Koi Neah
  • destinatario: Highlands Community

Time is running out to secure the funds needed for continued protection of this special sanctuary and wildlife corridor in the Highlands District. Important ecosystems in the region are disappearing fast as a result of urban development. Support from our local government is needed to secure these lands in-perpetuity. Your signature of support will help!

Continuing the 70-year legacy of conservancy on this acreage will:

• Protect the 3-ha lake, riparian areas, wetlands and streams of the Millstream Watershed and regional aquifers. We have already lost 80% of the regional wetlands to development.

• Preserve advanced second-growth Coastal Douglas-fir stands, 6 endangered ecological plant communities and various at-risk species of the CDFmm subzone. This heavily developed subzone is just 0.3% of BC. and among the most imperiled coastal ecosystems.

• Safeguard an essential wildlife corridor between Gowlland Tod and Thetis Lake parks.

• Provide a secluded 427 sq. m. lakeside nature house for workshops, classes and community use in an inspiring natural setting.

Since 2016, the Greater Victoria Greenbelt Society has been successful in providing short-term protection to the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary lands in partnership with Vancity Community Real Estate Dept., and many other supportive organizations as well as generous private donors. We want this protection to be permanent.

A special partnership between land trusts, conservation focused non-profits and First Nations is forming to bring together western scientific conservation methods with Traditional environmental perspectives and practices, to maintain and restore endangered habitats, as well as recover the populations of species at risk. This model puts this project on the cutting edge of conservancy initiatives and requires thoughtful planning and time.

The MLN Sanctuary also provides a natural "living classroom" that can bring together learning and lands, conservation, research, and cultures for all people. This initiative creates a conserved area, nature appreciation learning centre and community space in the District of Highlands.

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION NOW to show the Highlands Council that you support the Mary Lake Nature Sanctuary and the Districts acquisition of a 10-acre portion of the Sanctuary for conservation and the future generations.


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