Stop selling puppy mill animals at pet stores

Have you every been to a pet store where they are selling dogs or cats? Well if you have, most of them come from puppy and kitten mills.

Puppy mills and kitten mills are basically places where dogs and cats are kept in horrific conditions. They force their dogs and cats to breed too often because their next pay day comes when they sell the resulting puppies and kittens to pet stores.

These dogs and cats are kept in wired cages and are never allowed to come out until they die, and many of them die young because of the conditions they live in. They are showed no love or affection. The mill owners often don't groom the animals' hair or cut their nails. Sometimes they don't even refill the animals' water and food in a timely fashion.  

Please sign this petition demanding that Florida pass a law to only let pet stores sell rescue dog and cats. 
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Thank you to EVERYONE who signed this! It means so much to me! Please share and keep signing!💖
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you to EVERYONE who signed this! It means so much to me! Please share and keep signing!💖
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