Save The Foxes!!

Authorities from the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Fauna and Parks are refusing to rescue approximately 80 red foxes in distress on a factory fur farm in Montreal.

Multiple inspections in recent weeks have revealed that the foxes are in critical condition and suffer from serious health problems, including dehydration, emaciation, toe and tooth fractures, tail injuries, ear and eye infections, internal bleeding and neurological issues.

Wildlife experts, veterinarians, the Montreal SPCA and Humane Society International/Canada have all stressed the necessity of seizing these animals immediately.

HSI/Canada and the Montreal SPCA want to work with the Quebec government to rescue the animals, treat them and place them in sanctuaries.

This info provided by Humane Society international Canada.

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Recent article from Metro Papar states they were released into the wild under strange circumstances..ekkk
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