Thank Dick Cheney for endorsing Kamala Harris

It's not often that we say this, but... Dick Cheney is right.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday that he will vote for Democrat Kamala Harris over fellow Republican Donald Trump in the November election, warning that the former president "can never be trusted with power again."

"In our nation's 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump," Cheney said in a statement. "He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again."

"As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris," he concluded. (source: CNN)

Please join us in thanking him for putting country over party, and doing the right thing.

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