Facebook Oversight Board: Ban Donald Trump Permanently from Facebook

An urgent call to the Facebook oversight board:

Ban Donald Trump and hold political leaders accountable for inciting violence through Facebook

I'm writing to urge you to continue the indefinite ban of Donald Trump from Facebook and to make the ban permanent.

His posts on Facebook have put US democracy and civil society at grave risk.

Donald Trump and other world leaders should be held to the same standards that other Facebook users are held to, which means they should not be allowed to use the platform to foment hate and incite violence.

By repeatedly doing just that, Donald Trump has violated Facebook's community standards. More importantly, he has provoked real-world harms.

I urge you to take a stand against all world leaders—from Myanmar to India to the United States—who are using Facebook as a tool to instigate violence and human rights violations. The first step is to ban Donald Trump permanently from Facebook.

Why is this important?

Donald Trump is no longer on Facebook.

According to a recent report from Zignal Labs, misinformation dropped over 70% once the former President was banned. 

That's great news for everyone who wants hate and lies off their social media platforms. If Facebook had held the former President to the same standards as other users, he would have been booted a long time ago. But now the tech giant has announced the decision to ban Trump is under review by the brand new Facebook Oversight Board

Let's make sure the Facebook Oversight Board does its jobs and keeps Donald Trump off Facebook. 

Send them a message today: hate and lies have no place on Facebook.

Actualizar #2hace 3 años
Please tweet to or email the Facebook Oversight Board TODAY and urge them not to give Donald Trump back his megaphone on Facebook. This action toolkit includes sample tweets, a sample email and contact information for the Oversight Board co-chairs. https://bit.ly/3xl8vuq

On April 16, the Oversight Board announced that it would delay its decision on whether to continue Facebook's ban on Trump. Please urge them to do the right thing for US democracy and civil society. No. Trump. On. Facebook.
Actualizar #1hace 3 años
Thanks so much for signing the petition to urge the Facebook Oversight Board to permanently ban Donald Trump from Facebook. Now you can take two additional actions to get your message to the Oversight Board:

• Email the Oversight Board members. This form makes it easy: https://takeaction.salsalabs.org/facebook-oversight-board/index.html

• Submit a public comment to the Oversight Board. Deadline: Monday, Feb. 7th. https://sforce.co/3tqnUYp

Thanks for taking these additional actions!
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