STOP the use of pig gestation cages in the State of New Jersey

  • al: Peter G
  • destinatario: Gov. Phil Murphey, The New Jersey State Legislature, New Jersey

I am asking the State Legislature of New Jersey and Governor Phil Murphey to introduce and pass legislation that would ban any use of gestation cages on pigs in New Jersey. Similar legislation had passed the Legislature in 2014, but Gov. Christie vetoed the bill.

The Senate bill (S998) would have directed the State Board of Agriculture to adopt rules and regulations prohibiting the confinement, in an enclosure, of any sow during gestation in a manner that prevents the sow from turning around freely, lying down, standing up, or fully extending the limbs of the animal". They are in these torture chambers for nearly their entire lives without ever coming out.

The National Pork Producers Council is fighting the legislation, and putting their insensitivity on display by saying, "So our animals can't turn around for the 2.5 years that they are in the stalls producing piglets. I don't know who asked the sow if she wanted to turn around…" But so far, NPPC has been successful fighting these bills, with only 9 states have outlawed gestation crates so far. Help us make New Jersey the 10th state to act!

Pigs are highly intelligent, sensitive animals and do not deserve to be treated in such a way. Gestation cages are cruel and inhumane and must be banned. In a gestation cage, a female pig is virtually immobilized 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while enduring repeated cycles of impregnation. This is a painful and distressing practice for pigs. Pigs have the intelligence of a 3 year old child. Imagine how a 3 year old child would feel in such a situation.

*** If you live in New Jersey ... PLEASE contact your legislators and ask them to support a new Senate Bill (2786), which was reintroduced by Senator Lesniak in November of 2016 !  You can find your legislator here.

I would like to have another bill introduced by the NJ State Legislature ending the use of these torturous and inhumane gestation crates in the State of New Jersey. I know that this bill was introduced in 2014, and was vetoed by Gov. Christie. I am asking that this bill, once it introduced, be signed into law by Gov. Christie, thereby saving thousands of highly sensitive, and intelligent animals from such cruelty.

Actualizar #4hace 7 años
Things seem to be moving along in the New Jersey Legislature. A new bill has been introduced by New Jersey State Senator Vin Gopal. The bill (S161) has been introduced to the Senate Economic Growth Committee. Let's hope that this passes the Committee process soon. Every day that goes by, is another day of suffering for these highly sensitive animals. I will keep you up to date...
Thanks again for all of your support !!!
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
I know this update is long overdue, but to be quite honest with you, nothing could have been done to help these beautiful animals as long as NJ Gov. Christie was still in office. Now that he is gone, I was promised by members of the State Assembly that this bill will be re-introduced shortly, and by all accounts, it looks like this bill will have the support of our new Gov. Phil Murphy.
I will keep you up to date.
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
I just received an e-mail from State Senator Stephen Sweeney. He told me that the Bill (2786) is currently awaiting consideration by the Senate Economic Growth Committee. Please contact these Committee members and ask them to support this Bill. They are Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez (856) 541-1251, Senator, Senator Joseph Kyrillos (732) 671-3206, Senator Steven Oroho (908) 441-6343,
and Senator Jim Whelan (609) 383-1388.
Thanks again for helping out the piggies !!
Actualizar #1hace 8 años
Just received this from Senator Lesniak
"I have reintroduced it S2786 but Christie will veto it again. I'm trying to get enough Rs to override. Not yet successful. The Change petitions are not helpful unless you can access the emails and get those who signed to call their legislators."
If you live in NJ, PLEASE call your Legislature and ask them to support this Bill. !!
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