Demand an End to the Cruel and Disgusting greyhound racing now!

Greyhounds are usually used in the art of dog racing. They are cruelty handled and are left in cages most of the time if they aren't training or doing the races.
Greyhounds on average live to 12-14 years but most involved in racing only live for 5, once they are not fit for racing anymore they are killed.
People starve these grey hounds and then before the race they put food at the end of the racing corse so the greyhounds go faster, this is so cruel and disgusting because people are betting on these starved, introverted, scared dog

What you can do to help
Never bet on greyhound racing. The Australian greyhound racing industry sadly puts profits above the wellbeing of the animals in their industry. Betting on greyhound races keeps this industry profitable.
Take action to end barbaric 'live baiting' cruelty.
Contrary to the general perception, greyhounds make great additions to the family. They love human company and their gentle nature and low requirement for exercise makes them suitable for almost every home. Discover more about adopting or fostering a greyhound.
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