Demand Enforcement of Texas State Law "unlawful restraint of a Dog"

For most Texans the knowledge that dogs are kept on barbaric chains, and especially chains so short the dog can't move more than a few feet, or heavy chains as collars. We all want to know how is this legal? The answer is :it is not". The truth is the enforcement agencies deemed the current State Law 821.077 passed Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 674 (H.B. 1411), Sec. 1, eff. September 1, 2007, unenforceable.

We call BS! The law is crystal clear! A chain must at least be 10 ft, or 5x the legnth of the dog. The dog should not have his movement unduly restricted (which in most cases there is so much junk they can't move). And a chain can not be used as a collar.

The issue is the agencies task with enforcement do not think the effort of writing a warrning that gives the owner 24 hours to correct is worthy of the effort.

We call BS!

If the owner corrects, GREAT, but we must have enforcement of the laws we, "the voting public", elected our officials to pass in 2007!!

Please join us to send a message to the law enforcement agency's responsible for protecting the dogs in our communities that we expect them to enforce the current laws, even if it is not easy. We are all sure it is not easy for the dogs wearing a chain as a collar!

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