Fight against Chinese Fur Trade Farms- The skinning of live animals

  • al: Afifa Javed
  • destinatario: To the President of the United States

These desperate animals need our help! so let's do something about it.

There are many animals being skinned aliveand brutally beaten in Chinese fur farms. The animals are hung upside down by their ankles. They are then skinned alive, whilst being hung upside down and unable to escape. Some of them will still be alive after this tragic ordeal and are left to suffer in pain. The fur products are then sold to other other countries such as USA and UK.

These Chinese farms are a mockery to Animal Welfare.

All animals have the right to live a happy life just like humans and due to Animal welfare all animals are entitled to have freedom. So, let's help these animals. Sign this petition to help stop Chinese fur trades. If humans were killed this way it would be classes as murders.... what's the difference?

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