• al: Lee Gaskin
  • destinatario: President Obama & All 50 States Government Officials

THOR was one such victim. This placid, gentle giant, a 3-year old Pyrenean Mountain Dog (aka a 'Great Pyrenees') was taken to a veterinary surgery in Northampton, PA, with a slight 'drinking' problem. This problem was making it difficult for him to keep water down. Tests were performed and exploratory surgery recommended. The vet who was put in charge of Thor diagnosed possible fatty liver disease - despite this condition being a rarity in large breeds.

Within 4 days, Thor had suffered an agonising death at the hands of this vet. However, she is still practising at the clinic in Pennsylvania despite being found guilty by the Board of Professional Compliance in Harrisburg, PA. The only punishment she received was a 'warning on her license', a small fine and possibly some additional classes. If Dr Lucy (as this vet is known) chooses to move to another State she can do so and practise with impunity. Her record will not go with her. The law that allows such a travesty of justice needs to be changed - urgently!

A full, harrowing description of the operation, and the clinical negligence/mal-treatment which Thor endured, can be found here: Suffice it to say though (and as a subsequent autopsy would later prove), Dr Lucy effectively murdered Thor. Additionally, the owner of the facility had claimed that there would be someone on site 24/7. This was not true. A seriously abused animal lay dying that night in a far too small and very dirty cage. His desperate cries of pain went unheard and unanswered...

It was subsequently revealed that the negligent vet cut Thor's stomach but positioned the surgical feeding tube incorrectly. Instead of surgically placing it into the stomach, she positioned it directly under the skin, resulting in one litre of food gushing into his poor, traumatised body just beneath his skin. In other words, literally drowning him from the inside out. In addition to this, all his stomach acids were released into his system through the hole which the vet had made in his stomach. Another deadly factor also transpired. The feeding tube was actually faulty in that the 'ball' did not inflate.

What this petition seeks to do is to campaign for a change in the law to ensure that a veterinary surgeon who has his/her license revoked cannot just move to another State and practise with impunity - as is the case at present. Unlike doctors, whose misdemeanors will follow them wherever they go, vets only have to move to another State and they are able to continue practising with a totally 'clean slate'.

Thank you so much for caring and signing for Thor...

Actualizar #2hace 10 años
Dear Supporters,

Another heartfelt thank you to everyone who has signed Thor's petition! We're also delighted to announce that a docudrama has now been released telling the true story of what happened to Thor on the last 3 days of his short life - as well as revealing the true identity of the so-called 'Dr.Lucy' who killed him. This movie can be viewed here: Again, many thanks indeed for helping us get justice for Thor!

With best wishes,

Actualizar #1hace 10 años
Dear Supporters,

This is to say a big big thank you to everyone who has so kindly signed Thor's petition. It's only a week today that the petition went online and your signatures have exceeded our wildest expectations! Atm = 11,387. Wow! Thank you!
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