• al: Patsy M
  • destinatario: CEO's Lidl Aldi Delhaize Carrefour...

As soon as the duck gets out of the egg only the males are held for the production of foie gras. Millions of females are thus cleaned up: grinding or gassing. The males go straight to the breeding ground. To prevent the ducks from aggressively behaving in the often stressful environment, injuring themselves or themselves, most foie gras producers cut a part of their beak and their claws. Although this is contrary to the European recommendations, it's a common practice in compulsary feedingstuffs. Every year tens of thousands of ducks are packed, fed and sick for the production of foie gras. Twice a day, the birds are forced to swallow corn, pumped through a pneumatic pump, until the liver becomes diseased (liver stratosis or liver depletion). The fat master takes the animal at the neck and pushes a long metal tube to the esophagus. The amount of food that the ducks must swallow in that way corresponds to a quarter of their body weight. It's like a 80 kg man should eat 20 kg of spaghetti every day. Life expectancy in free nature: 20 years, Foie gras ducks: 3 months of torture!

Actualizar #3hace 6 años
Dear fellow fighters against animal abuse: Please do not stop sharing this petition with all your friends and acquaintances. The terrible confinement of geese in far too small cages and the horrific and painful compulsive feeding of goose for "foie gras" must be stopped and, above all, banned worldwide. So please: continue to share, we must reach more people to sign before this Christmas = the period "foie gras" is sold the most of all!
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Pay it Forward! !
Dear Friends, Christmas an the holidays are nearby we must hurry to get some more signatures ! Please share this petition with all your friends and family on facebook, twitter, mail, etc... The animals will be grateful and me too !!
Thanks !!
Actualizar #1hace 7 años Binnen 2 md is t Kerstavond. Ganzen worden nu al wreedaardig gruwelijk behandeld, opgesloten in n hokje kleiner dan henzelf, hun nek & kopje steken eruit: klaar om telkens opnieuw bruut n metalen buis door hun strot geramd te worden omdat sommigen straks "vette lever" ofte "foie gras" willen eten!?? Wees n mens, help de dieren: stuur deze petitie door naar iedereen die je kent en vraag hen tzelfde te doen. Del tijd dringt om de dieren te redden.: ik reken op jullie!
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